Source code for python_hologram_api.cloud_messaging

"""Cloud Messaging module."""

    from urllib.parse import urljoin  # python 3
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin  # python 2
import requests

[docs]class CSRMessaging(object): """Cloud Services Router (CSR) class.""" def __init__(self, client): """Save a reference to the client.""" self.client = client
[docs] def send_message(self, device_id, data, tags=None): """Send a CSR Message. Args: device_id (int): Device ID to associate the message to. data (str): Data payload of the message. tags (List[str], optional): Additional topics to associate with the message. Returns: dict: the json response as a dictionary. """ url = urljoin(self.client.base_url, 'csr/rdm') params = { 'apikey': self.client.api_key, 'deviceid': device_id, 'data': data, 'tags': tags } resp =, json=params) return resp.json()
[docs] def list_messages( self, device_id=None, limit=None, org_id=None, topic_name=None, time_stamp_start=None, time_stamp_end=None): """List CSR Messages. Args: device_id (int, optional): Filter for messages originating from one device. limit (int, optional): Return a maximum of this many messages. Default is 25. org_id (int, optional): Filter for messages from devices belonging to this organization. topic_name (str, optional): Filter for messages with a given topic. time_stamp_start (int, optional): Only return messages received after this time (Unix timestamp). time_stamp_end (int, optional): Only return messages received before this time (Unix timestamp). Returns: dict: the json response as a dictionary. """ url = urljoin(self.client.base_url, 'csr/rdm') params = { 'apikey': self.client.api_key, 'deviceid': device_id, 'limit': limit, 'orgid': org_id, 'topicname': topic_name, 'timestampstart': time_stamp_start, 'timestampend': time_stamp_end } resp = requests.get(url, json=params) return resp.json()
[docs]class SMSMessaging(object): """SMS Messaging class.""" def __init__(self, client): """Save a reference to the client.""" self.client = client
[docs] def send_message(self, device_id, body, from_number=None): """Send SMS Message. There is no cost to send SMS messages to Hologram devices via API. Args: device_id (int): ID of the device to send to. body (str): ASCII Text representation of the SMS body. from_number (str, optional): Phone number to display as the sender. Returns: dict: the json response as a dictionary. """ url = urljoin(self.client.base_url, 'sms/incoming') params = { 'apikey': self.client.api_key, 'deviceid': device_id, 'body': body, 'fromnumber': from_number } resp =, json=params) return resp.json()
[docs]class CloudToDeviceMessaging(object): """Cloud To Device Messaging. Send a TCP or UDP message to one or more devices on the Hologram network. """ def __init__(self, client): """Save a reference to the client.""" self.client = client
[docs] def send_message(self, device_ids, protocol, port, data=None, base64_data=None): """Send a Message to a List of Devices. Must send either data or base64data. Args: device_ids (List[int]): IDs of devices to send message. protocol (str): The protocol to use: 'TCP' or 'UDP'. port (int): The port to use. data (str): The data to send. Max length of 10k bytes. base64_data (str): The data to send, encoded in base64. Max length of 10k bytes. Returns: dict: the json response as a dictionary. """ if (data is None and base64_data is None) or (data is not None and base64_data is not None): raise ValueError('Please provide either `data` or `base64_data`') url = urljoin(self.client.base_url, 'devices/messages') params = { 'apikey': self.client.api_key, 'deviceids': device_ids, 'protocol': protocol, 'port': port, 'data': data, 'base64data': base64_data } resp =, json=params) return resp.json()
[docs] def trigger_webhook(self, device_id, webhook_guid, data=None, base64_data=None): """Send Message to a Device via Webhook. This endpoint does not require authentication with your API key, as the webhook GUID serves as an authentication token. In order to generate a webhook URL, please visit the cloud configuration page for your device. Must send either data or base64data. Args: device_id (int): ID of the device to send to. webhook_guid (str): generated UUID for the webhook URL. data (str, optional): The data to send. Max length of 10k bytes. base64_data (str, optional): The data to send, encoded in base64. Max length of 10k bytes. Returns: int: Integer Code of responded HTTP Status, e.g. 404 or 200. """ if (data is None and base64_data is None) or (data is not None and base64_data is not None): raise ValueError('Please provide either `data` or `base64_data`') url = urljoin(self.client.base_url, 'devices/messages/{}/{}'.format(device_id, webhook_guid)) params = { 'data': data, 'base64data': base64_data } resp =, json=params) return resp.status_code